Un-Bothered 1
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Un-Bothered 1
Collection Title: Peace In Chaos
Name of the artwork: Un-Bothered 1
Dimensions: 24 x 42 inches
Medium: Pastel chalk on board
Year: 2024
Characteristics: Unique Selling Proposition, Certificate of Authenticity, The Artwork Will Be Framed After Purchase Before shipping
I'm healing, wearing pain like an armour, living in the present in spite of the damage from the past. It's neither black not white, it's checkered. Enslaved by my own decisions, trapped by my own imaginations. Life is an endless box of choices; So today, I choose to live freely, wearing as a necklace on my heart an ankh of revival: UN-BOTHERED.
This artwork explores the stark contrast between mental struggle and inner peace. The exact opposite of mental struggle is the word unbothered. The one mentally struggling leads a life full of anxiety, worry, and agitation. True mental health is characterized by a sense of ease and tranquility. This does not mean in any way that such a person is void of challenges, rather it describes the state of self-confidence and the health impact of self-awareness and proper enlightenment.
This artwork encourages viewers to recognize mental illness and seek out resources that promote well-being. By embracing practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and regular reading, individuals can cultivate inner peace and live a fulfilling life.
As someone who has fought mental illness years ago and found solace in the wisdom contained in the Bible, I hightly recommend the book as a guiding tool for self-enlightment and gaining freedom.
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